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Batch convert PDF to TIFF

I had a recent project at work which I was asked to find a better way to convert PDFs to TIFF (or TIF) in a batch without having to use Adobe Pro as Adobe Pro only runs on 32bit and large maps with multiple pages will error out or just take forever. I came up with a solution by using GhostScript to conver the PDFs and PowerShell to tell GhostScript what and how to convert.


PowerShell Script:

$tool = 'C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.22\bin\gswin64c.exe' #the path to your Ghostscript program.

#ask the user if the DPI should be 600 instead of 300

Write-host "Would you like to convert to 600 DPI? Default: 300 DPI" -ForegroundColor Yellow

$Readhost = Read-Host " ( y / n ) "

Switch ($ReadHost)


Y {$DPI = "-r600"}

N {$DPI = "-r300"}

Default {}


#ask the user if this is a multi-page pdf so it can split the pages into seperate tiff or tif files

Write-host "Is this a mult-page pdf?" -ForegroundColor Yellow

$Readhost = Read-Host " ( y / n ) "

Switch ($ReadHost)


Y {$multi = "_p%04d"}

N {$multi = ""}

Default {}


#asks the user for the input folder of the PDFs

[string]$files_folder = Read-Host -Prompt 'What is the input location of the PDF Files? Example: C:\Temp'

#asks the user for the output folder of the PDFs

[string]$files_folder_output = Read-Host -Prompt 'What is the output location of the TIF Files? Example: C:\Temp'

#tests out the folder path to make sure its there

$testfolder = Get-Item $files_folder_output

#sets the folder path based on test

$files_folder_output = $testfolder.FullName

#find all the pdfs in that folder

$pdfs = get-childitem $files_folder | where {$_.Extension -match "pdf"}

# for each pdf in the pdf folder, replace the pdf extention to tiff or tif and then run ghostscript to convert that pdf to G4 fax encoding tiff.

foreach($pdf in $pdfs)


$TIF = $pdf.Name.replace('.pdf','').replace('.pdf','') + $multi + '.tiff' #note: you can change '.tiff' to '.tif' if you want the .tif extension instead

#sets the tiff output folder and name

$TIFoutput = $files_folder_output+"\"+$TIF

#if the tiff or tif already exist, then don't convert it

if(test-path $TIF)


"TIF file already exists " + $TIF



#converts the pdf


'Processing ' + $pdf.Name

$param = "-sOutputFile=$TIFoutput"

& $tool -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiffg4 $DPI -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 $param $pdf.FullName -c quit

#note: you can change tiffg4 (G4 fax encoding) to the encoding options listed in



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